Thursday, August 16, 2007

Vision of woman...

Gropingly and lucid,
you Learn to relish life
in the palate of the universes.

Gropingly and lucid,
you Recognize the genome
of the continents,
the origin of life,
the imprinted heading
of the painter and his fingerprints.

Gropingly and lucid,
you See better than ever…
where you are from,
from what you come,
and where you return.

Gropingly and lucid,
you Guess and discover
that the eye’s unnecessary
to look beyond
what others guess
and discover.

Gropingly and lucid,
you Shatter all at once
The mask of colors
to uncover
your Vision imperishable
with the brush that transits and transcends
from the foliage of the painting and from Poetry…

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