Thursday, August 16, 2007

To the exhibition Amongst all Women - "Pintuverses"

You’ll see
what you want to see,
An elastic root alluring us to dance
till dawn
wrapped around emotions waist,
An inoffensive spiders web
where we fall flat on our faces
to become ecstatic,
A serene commotion
arousing us, coolly,
A restless and resolved anthill
of fantasy with pure color and sentiment,
A swarm of fireflies
signally the route of true honey,
A swamp of stars
where the universe finds forever
its atom of breath,
A precipice of light
summoning us to burst
inuring intimate and original beings,
An astonishing net
where the caterpillar is already a butterfly,
A plate of wires
that filters the sun and dreams
by an act of magic,
A nest of phosphorescent straw and branches
for our inescapable flights
towards our core,
An applause of God
in the palm of human happiness,
An invincible woman,
an everyday woman, and for that, supreme,
that teaches us to be men
with brushstrokes of lightning.

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